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Potato cultivation techniques

Part of the article:unknown Popularity: Publication time:2018-08-30 08:28
Potato cultivation techniques
Field management
Potato plants are divided into aboveground and underground parts, the aboveground part of the stems, pinnate compound leaves, buds and fruits; the underground part of the stems, roots, stolons and tubers. The results of aboveground parts were related to varieties and environmental conditions, and the same variety in different years and different planting time in the same year would affect whether flowering and fruiting. The product of potato cultivation is the tuber produced underground. The tuber is formed by the expansion of the top of the stolon. They have many characteristics of the above ground stem. Stolon, tuber and aboveground stem can be said to have no essential difference, under certain environmental conditions can transform each other.
Apply fertilizer
Potato fertilization is generally based on the principle of "organic fertilizer, supplemented by chemical fertilizer, re-application of base fertilizer, early application of topdressing". Because organic fertilizer is rich in organic matter, it is conducive to fertilizing, loosening the soil, improving soil fertility, more conducive to potato tuber expansion and root growth. The most water and fertilizer needed during the potato growth period is the flowering period, and this is also the season of temperature rise, rainfall increase, but also the gradual maturation of organic fertilizer, decomposition explain the stage of release nutrients. At this time, the transformation efficiency of organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer in base fertilizer is expanding, which meets the nutrient demand of potato during the growth period and promotes the growth and development of potato. This is the purpose of heavy base fertilizer.
There are two main points in applying base fertilizer: first, high-quality organic fertilizer is the main fertilizer; second, organic fertilizer and three-factor chemical fertilizer should be adhered to combined application, of which three-factor chemical fertilizer should be used as base fertilizer in the whole growth period, leaving one-third as top dressing. The amount of base fertilizer used for potato production of 1500-2000 kg per 667 square meters is: 2000-3500 kg of high quality organic fertilizer, 12 kg of urea, 20-30 kg of calcium superphosphate, 150-200 kg of vegetable ash or 10-15 kg of potassium chloride. The above fertilizers and organic fertilizers are evenly mixed together and applied as base fertilizers in the soil layer below 10 cm, so as to loosen the tuber layer and facilitate the absorption of potato roots.
Potted plant
Because of the rising prices of agricultural products on the market, many people around the world have begun to learn the technology of cultivating crops in small areas at home to grow vegetables. and
Potato is relatively easy to grow, and because it belongs to the basic food, so many ordinary families used to grow.
It can be grown on small plots of land in the garden, or in containers at least 24 centimeters deep, such as trash cans and large flower pots. Generally speaking, only one potato can be grown in one pot, while several large pots can be planted.
The key season to master, because the local temperature is higher than 25 degrees Celsius, potato chips will no longer expand, so late planting, can only be harvested "bean potato", so it should be sooner or later, before and after the spring equinox can be planted, (according to latitude flexible grasp).
The soil used for cultivation does not need to be fertile, but must be drier and unsuitable for growing in wet, heavy clay; the soil is less alkaline or acidic. If high yield is desired, nutrient soil (liquid) is the best for planting soils, and nutrient soil (liquid) is prepared according to the characteristics of vegetable fertilizer requirement. It can be mixed with sapropelic soil, humus soil, peat soil, sawdust, shavings, rice husk and peat. It can also be mixed with sapropelic soil or sand, perlite, vermiculite, cinder, etc. with sapropelic soil and compost. Potted soil is mixed with soil and peat soil. Tissue culture and soilless culture can be used under condition.
Short management should be selected for dwarf varieties of potted vegetables. In the case of few dwarf varieties, water control must squat seedlings in the early growth stage, water management to do not affect the growth and development of vegetables as a principle, while the plant can be adjusted to dwarf, if necessary, the growth of plants can be controlled by growth regulators.
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