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Recently, ginger pests are high. How to prevent and cure them?

Part of the article:unknown Popularity: Publication time:2018-08-30 08:28
Recently, the majority of Jiang You reaction, this year's pests and diseases are more serious than in previous years, for the recent high incidence of diseases, we here to introduce to you, and say about the general control methods, control methods for reference only, please Jiang Nong according to the actual situation of the field adjustment.
1. Jiang Ming (corn borer, borer, fruit borer)
Damage characteristics: the main pest of ginger, its eating habits are very miscellaneous, when the damage continues to bite the tender stem, and drill into the stem to continue to damage, resulting in hollow stem, water and nutrient transport hindered, making the upper part of the leaves of ginger seedlings withered and withered, ginger dry easy to break;
Occurrence time: the larvae usually appear in early June, until the ginger harvest, and July-August occurs in large quantities, serious harm, larvae can be transplanted harm;
Prevention and treatment methods:
(1) Clean the countryside, clean and burn the broken plants and dead leaves left after harvest, strip off the leaves and sheaths of insects, and strip off the leaves and stems of ginger with insect pests without affecting the growth of ginger.
(2) Spraying 90% dipterex 800-fold solution, or 50% malathion 1000-fold solution, or killing 2,000-3,000-fold solution, can also be used to inject the above-mentioned liquid into the wormhole of the shoot.
2. Heteromorphic eye mosquitoes (Jiang Qu)
The main pest of ginger during storage, larvae commonly known as ginger maggot, can also harm ginger planting in the field, affecting the yield and quality of ginger.
Damage characteristics: the larvae of ginger maggot are wetting and concealment, and the newly hatched larvae are eaten subcutaneously under ginger. In ginger "round head" where the predator, silk mesh adherent insect dung, debris covered it, the larvae hide in which. The larvae are active, and only the remaining epidermis, coarse fiber and granular dung can damage the ginger.
Occurrence time: ginger maggots are not strict with environmental requirements, and can happen annually. Especially to Qingming, when the solar term temperature rises, the damage is aggravated. Field investigation showed that the killing rate of ginger was 20-25%.
Prevention and treatment methods:
(1) Selected ginger seeds, found that the injured species ginger immediately eliminated, or with 1.80% Emodin 1000 times solution soaked ginger seeds for 5-10 minutes, in order to prevent pests from the ginger cellar to the field;
(2) Before entering the pit, ginger pit should be thoroughly cleaned, sprayed with 80% dichlorvos 1000 times liquid or 90% dichlorvos 800 times liquid, and several small open bottles containing dichlorvos liquor can be placed in the ginger pile when ginger is put, and then heated with ginger for fumigation. In the field, attention should be paid to the selection of ginger seeds, the elimination of the injured species of ginger, 80% dichlorvos 1000 times or 90% trichlorfon 800 times before sowing soaked ginger seeds 5 to 10 minutes can kill the pests in ginger.
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